I know. I know. It's been a while since I posted - Carrie is really making me look bad. So much has happened since I last posted. I'm sure I'm not going to remember it all and if I did I'm sure you would get bored with my recap so I'll try to keep it brief. Try........
Let's see. The twins came home - have I covered that yet? They actually came home on April 29th - 3 weeks before they were expected to come home. They are getting so big! They have been battling reflux - poor guys - but their mommy and daddy have been trying something new with their meds and they are doing much better.
May 1st was the Wygant wedding. It was a beautiful event!! My parents had to miss it because my mom was in charge of her high school reunion and it was that weekend in Arkansas. Curt & Leah missed because of...well, you know. So Chad and I had to represent and we were all too happy to do so. We had a lot of fun! We also got to see the Walker's - who we honestly only get to see at weddings which is kind of sad. And now we are all married so I don't know when we are going to get to see them again. They are the sweetest people!!
I spent the rest of May just trying to get through to the end of the school year...which actually happened the first week of June. Now I've started my summer and I'm still in the phase where I'm trying to decide if I want to do something productive or if I just want to hang out with my bugs.
Speaking of the bugs, the Doodlebug graduated from preschool. He starts kindergarten in the fall. His graduation ceremony was not as teary as I expected. The fact that my kid was up there with his diploma on his middle finger, waving it around, helped a lot. He's become quite the little fish in the pool....doesn't wear his floaties anymore because he has "bravery in the pool." The Ladybug is a fan of the pool as well. She likes to splash. She is a nut these days!! She loves to twirl and run and "talk." She's repeating so much of what we say but she also has her own special language - especially when she is on the phone. It's so cute. I'm having lots of fun with both of them.
We don't really have a lot planned for the summer. We are planning a trip to Disney in the fall so we are saving money this summer. We are going away for one night in June with the kids. And then in July we are heading on an adult trip with some friends to Fredericksburg.
Ok, that's as brief as I could keep it. I'll try to do better posting this summer....not like I have anything better to do. Right??
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago